September 17, 2014

Gallery 20 {End of the Season}

The end of one season signifies the beginning of another. Here in NJ, we are experiencing the most luscious, crispy, cool autumn air. The leaves are beginning to change color and fall (I've already raked the yard once - unheard of for this early in September!). This is when I put out the mums. These hearty plants can survive the cooler temps if they are fed well, loved on, and get some sun. I tidied up my front steps of cobwebs, gave the steps and railing a wash, then put these lovely flowers out. The end of the season just kind of fades away without glory while the new one takes its place.

*While I would never label anything I do a "fail", that last gallery {Dog Walker} looks like it kinda was?! I'm so grateful for those of you who showed up!! It was difficult for me as well to find a dog walker -- and when I did see one, I was usually driving and couldn't stop. Thank you for the photos that were shared ... they were great!

I'm excited to see what the end of the season looks like where you live! Link your photo here and then add it (plus an unlimited amount of theme related photos) to the flickr group. (Great "dog walker" photos in there!!)

You can also link your instagram photos to the gallery. Learn how here & follow my photo instructions here.

Want updates? 52 Photos Project is on Twitter & Facebook. Wanna get to know me better? I am on Instagram and I share a ton of photos there. Please tag your photos on any social media outlet #52photosproject.

::One more note:: I am part of a self portrait project called She is Three. This month, our theme is She Concealed. I share my photo and the intimate story behind the photo here. If you feel called, share your own self portrait around this theme on Facebook or Twitter ---> tag it #sheconcealed & #sheisthreedotcom

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GalleryJuana said...

the colors and mums are a pleasant welcome indeed! I think the temperatures are lower on your side of the States. I am still looking forward to Autumn's glory here:) But I have hints that she is coming!

Alexa said...

Love your mums, Bella! I am missing this week, because I've been in Paris since early Sunday morning and no way to post.