I’m so excited to share my love of light here at 52 Photos Project and tell you that I have a brand new summer class called Light Hunters. In this light class you receive posts in your email inbox for each day of July, each post inviting you to explore a different aspect of light. This class isn’t about assignments or tasks, but is simply about inviting ourselves to be more aware of the light around us and getting inspired to aim our cameras at it. In the course you receive 30 posts and a PDF called ‘A Field Guide to Light Hunting’ for $39 and you will not be able to help but fall in love with light!In mere days, the next session of the class You are Your Own Muse begins! YAYOM is a 6 week self-portrait adventure with a rockin’ community energy and a journey all about you and your story which has been a creative awakening to folks from all over the globe. There are still spots in this session if you’d like to join!
That looks great Vivienne! Such fun you offer, do you provide class feedback and encouragement? Curious!
Great question Gillian.
In my classes Wading In and You are Your Own Muse (and the upcoming Swan Dive), providing feedback is a core part of what I offer. In the flickr groups I comment on each and every image that people share and cheer them on. I also answer any questions the participants have in the flickr group discussions and welcome email questions.
That is a big difference between Light Hunting and the other courses.....they are a bit more of an investment but I deeply invest in the experience of the participants.
There will be opportunities for feedback in Light Hunters too, definitely. We'll have a few ways to connect and share images via social media so I'll definitely be connecting with participants in Light Hunters and encouraging their process. I wanted to keep Light Hunters more of relaxed solo journey of light awareness, but there will be opportunities for feedback for sure.
With all my classes, folks will be welcome to email me if they have questions.
I love your photos. You are in love with light!
Vivienne is absolutely in love with light -- and she's ready to guide you on a journey to explore it. I'll be taking the class this summer! I hope you will too.
I'm deeply in love with it and you will be too!
Thanks so much for having me here Bella!
i'm in :)
Just signed up! Vivienne is a WONDERFUL facilitator, teacher, cheerleader, community builder, magic maker - I could go on and on!!
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