June 1, 2011

A time to share { a memory }

The memory I want to share also taught me a huge lesson:
To keep myself open to the possibility of YES.  

My daughter and I had been out shopping when she spotted a make your own crystal activity set.  Soon came "This is soooo cool" and "Please Mom can I have it".  I thought it was silly - how could you make something as elaborate as a crystal that grows in the earth?  No way I thought, but she persisted and so I bought it for her.  I was already preparing what to tell her when she put it together and her crystal never formed.

Of course, her little project worked and instead of one - two crystals formed.  I keep it out to remind myself to stop being such a pessimist, and to stay open to the possibility of YES.

What memory will you share?

If you're not familiar with the inLinks widget, click here to watch a video tutorial I made.  And a big thank you to everyone who shared a photo in last week's gallery!


Monica {bohemian twilight} said...

what a great project you shared together.

urban muser said...

new here. saw you on roots of she this morning. love the concept. i'll be back!moz

Bella Cirovic said...


deb did it said...

a beautiful lesson here...thanks for sharing the photo, reminding me of mother-daughter together!

Cheryl said...

Hi Bella, I love your photo and your story. Isn't it wonderful what can happen when we get out of our own way? I was still trying to decide what to write when I read your post, and knew I had to write about my son.

Sylvia said...

great story :)

i would love to grow my own crystal and i'm sure my children would be very excited too!

Gill said...

Oh my girls would love that!
I'm reposting my pic, Bella.
I hadn't put any text on there about my memory so I'll resubmit. Sorry love!!!

Lis said...

a wonderful lesson and memory!

xo Lis

Karen D said...

I love this Bella and the story behind it.. makes me want to embrace the possibilities.
