August 12, 2012

Week 17

A moment of life.

I feel like those words say it all. Each of our moments will look different from one another - and that is the beauty of life and living ... none of ours will look the same. 
I'm inviting you to share a moment - any moment - that gave you time to pause, to capture, and to savor.  Gallery 17 will open on Wednesday. In the meantime, Gallery 16 {The Gift} is still open for submission!

*Tweets & FB shares are much appreciated!! Just click one of the buttons below this post :)


Katrin said...

Dear Bella,

your topics always touch me - and your inspirational pictures, too. Thank you for a new opportunity each week to see life from a differnt perpective and to be more aware of the small moments.

Kaylene said...

Hi Bella, that image definitely captures your intent. Cheers