September 16, 2012


Next week it begins.
Autumn in the Northern Hemisphere.
Spring in the Southern.
I love the change over of seasons.
Out with the old, 
In with the new.
The changes may be subtle at first.
But they are there...
Do you see the changes happening
around you?
Capture that magic and share it here
On Wednesday!

*Gallery 21 {Sparkle & Shine} is still open for those of you who want to submit a photo! ~Also, if you'd like a button for your blog sidebar, you can find them in the nav bar or by clicking here.  ~Stay in touch! Follow 52 Photos Project on FaceBook & Twitter.

*Call for Contributors:
Leonie Wise, curator of Weekends Collected collaboration, has put a call out for contributors! Have you seen the site? If you are interested in contributing your photography or writing, click here to see how to do get involved.

Leonie shared an interview here @ 52 Photos Project last year. Have a read and get to know this fabulous lady I'm proud to call a dear friend.


Unknown said...

Nice shot. I can't believe it is almost Autumn already.

Anonymous said...

Cute idea about the photographs :)