October 25, 2013

Photo Interview: Mindy Tsonas

Mindy Tsonas is a creative who shares inspiring and luscious photos on Instagram. I invited Mindy to choose five photo prompts from years one and two.

Here is the magic she sent back: 

Pink: Year 2, Week 5

A Moment: Year 2, Week 17

Gift: Year 2, Week 16

Sparkle and Shine: Year 1, Week 21

Holding:  Year 2, Week 29

Thank you, Mindy, for sharing your work here today :)

Mindy is an artist, creative alchemist, and daring truth seeker whose work is helping women find the right mix of magic and meaning in their lives through the their own unique alchemy of wish-making, story sharing, kindred community, core creativity, passionate work, and fierce and sexy self-love. Find her work and musings at www.wishstudiolife.com

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