March 12, 2014

Gallery 47 {Where I Would Take You}


Welcome to Gallery 47 {Where I Would Take You}. Are you all enjoying this prompt? I ask because a few of you posted earlier than usual.
*I'm always open to photo prompt ideas. Email them here.

OK, so ... obviously if you are a friend on instagram or if you read my blog, you know that my house is surrounded by water. Lakes, rivers, and streams, we've got them all. Maybe it's because I'm a water sign, I don't know, but I am drawn to bodies of water. To me they are soothing, and if my day has been less than stellar, this is one of the places you might find me. I would totally take you here if you visited.

Where would you take me? I can't wait to see!!


Arnoldo L. Romero, MLA said...

I love the way you captured the fogginess of the morning in your lake shot. Blessings!

Prairie Jill said...

Oh, that's just magic! So quiet and peaceful. Happy sigh!

leonie said...

I'm a water baby too - if you came to visit me, I'd take you to the beach (& swimming too if you're up for it).
