This was taken just a few days ago and was the inspiration behind our photo prompt. We had one of the loveliest summer thunderstorms, and I was out with my camera looking for a rainbow. (no rainbow) What I did find was very dramatic skies, more thunder, and it started raining again, on me. LOL. I thought it would be a passing storm but it rained for 24 hours straight.
Are you on Instagram? Share your photos there throughout the week using hashtag #52photosproject. Also, you can add multiple them related pics to the flickr group.
Thank you so much for sharing your work to {sitting by the window} That gallery was so awesome! I can't wait to visit each one of your photos :)
Let's see how close to the water you get. I'm super excited to see what you will share!!
summer storms are a beautiful contrast to sunny days.
Finally got a replacement camera so I hope to join this group more often now.
every week i look at the prompts and think "ooh! yes, i am going to do this one!"
then life happens and i never make it a priority.
this week, i made it a priority - every day i take a walk at the water's edge and it seemed ridiculous not to participate!
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