November 12, 2014

Gallery 28 {Mirror Reflection}

Hello from the Mister & I

He rarely, if ever, makes an appearance here, so I might have forced him into this shot. Maybe. He doesn't like the internets. He stays away, preferring to watch tv, work, or go to the gym. If he sees this photo on Facebook, I might get a like, that's about it.

Your mirror reflection doesn't have to be a selfie like mine. We were in NYC last week and this photo happened kind of spontaneously. Everything reflects back from a mirror so I am excited to see what you come up with.

Thank you to everyone who added a photo to {Steamy, Warm Drinks}. I thought there would be more players with that prompt but it was a tiny gallery filled with awesome pics.

Link your photo here then add it to our flickr group. Are you on instagram? Tag your photos #52photospoject so they are easy to find. You can always check in on Facebook & Twitter. If you are new, welcome!!! It's Week 28, but feel free to jump right in.


Alexa said...

Almost did a selfie too—I love yours (are you in a NYC hotel room?).

GalleryJuana said...

That is a fun shot with an intriguing back drop of roof tops. Oh how I want to visit NYC!