October 21, 2015

Gallery 25 {My Reflection in a Window}

My Reflection in a Window

I'm kind of loving just how
my French window frame
looks like a Polaroid frame.

I'm kind of loving how my
neighbor's light is shining
right in my heart space.

I'm kind of loving the
look of being double
exposed as I scratch my
head and answer my daughter's call.

Share your photos to Instagram or our Flickr Group.Tag them #52photosproject so I can find them!

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Thank you to everyone who submitted a photo to last week's {Me in the Mirror}
Here are a few standouts!

Top Left: @gavanakin

Middle Left: @britta_froehling

Right: @evao28269

*If you wouldn't mind, please use the buttons below to share this post on Facebook & Twitter. Share the photo challenge love with your people. xx

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