July 29, 2011

photo assignment: capture motion

Photo by: Urban Muser

I've been thinking about what I could try to expand beyond my photographic style and what I'm used to.  I tend to concentrate of still life, landscapes, or people scenes - all of which pose little difficulty in framing and capturing.

While looking through some of the pictures on my memory card, I saw one I took of my daughter riding her scooter that was half in focus, half motion blurred - and I was smitten!  Ever since then, I've been reading up on how to 'properly' catch a great motion shot. 

Assignment: Capture motion.
An awesome tip to get you started: Try capturing a moving object between a still foreground and background keeping the focus on the subject closest to you.
Here's a link to an article on motion photography for beginners for more info.

Also - Yesterday I opened up a Flickr group where you can upload and share all of your weekly prompt and photo assignment pics.  There's a button in the sidebar for easy access.
Feel free to post your motion assignment work there or share a link in the comments on this post.

Here's a sample from last week's assignment 'One Subject at Different Angles' by Kris.

The 52 Photos Project weekly newsletter goes out tomorrow.  You can subscribe here.  Thank you all for another amazing week.  Keep those Chocolate photos coming and see you here on Sunday for a new (and non food related) photo prompt!


Leckeres für Mensch und Katze said...

good shot!

urban muser said...

thanks for including my subway motion photo!

Anonymous said...

one of my favourite shots, here: http://www.anasofiaeugenio.com/2011/10/31-days-of-rejoices-little-victories.html

Unknown said...

Hi, thanks for the post and link. Very informative and interesting. I do not bother much with focusing moving object known, since I use https://macphun.com/focus. Take photos, corrects it in the editor to focus on a desired object known, and that's it. Good luck.