August 26, 2011

Focus on: Teahouse Studio

Are you a dreamer who is seeking a safe space to play, get messy and learn about art? Do you dream of finding a community of your own, full of support from other people who also long to find their wings?

Born out of the dreams of Mati Rose, Stefanie Renee, and Tiffany Moore, Teahouse Studio IS that safe space you've been seeking. With our lineup of classes, you'll find something to awaken you to your true creative spirit.

A few of our upcoming photography focused workshops feature , Instant Magic with Andrea Corrona Jenkins,  Photo Meditations: Infusing Your Images with Depth & Soul, with Susannah Conway & Product Photography 101 with Alessandra Cave.

Workshops at Teahouse offer more than just a class: they’re your chance to truly connect with a teacher in an intimate setting. They represent safety: to be who you truly want to be, to believe that it's possible to live that life you've been dreaming up for yourself, and to find your authentic voice.

Read Stephanie's interview here.

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