Hi again! I am blogging from my sister's house because Hurricane Irene left many towns (including my own) flooded. When it came time to pack an overnight bag, I popped my camera into a zip lock to keep it safe from getting splashed on our trip out of the neighborhood by rescue boat. We're all safe, as is my camera - which I've been using to take pics of my sister's garden:
To those of you who are living in places like Texas where the earth is dry and thirsty for rain - I apologize about returning to the garden theme. You know that you can always pull from your archives to share - or - just for you, where the rain has been sparse and the gardens are no longer blooming - add a photo of your choice.
Also, I wanted to let you know in advance that there will be no interview series for the month of September. On top of this now being a big clean up month for me, it's also a busy travel month for my husband and I. There will be something creative & exciting in place of the interviews, but I'm keeping it short & sweet.
Now, let's get to sharing! Thank you to everyone who submitted to last week's {a silhouette} gallery. If it's you're first time here, you are welcome to play along. Oh.. and consider adding your pic to the Flickr pool?
wow bella. i am so glad to hear you are OK. mother nature can be an amazing force. hope your cleanup isn't too bad. if you need any help keeping things going here on the blog let me know!
Glad you are okay ~ Am in MA ~ so sending you positive wishes that 'what you wish for yourself, I also wish for you' ~ namaste, Carol
glad you're ok. best wishes!
tried to put up my thumbnail a couple times, not sure why it's not working... or maybe I'm just not patient ;). Looking fwd to visiting everyone else's garden! and I am so sorry to hear about all the flooding, hope it all gets better soon!
My apologies for the incorrect first link. The second one is correct. Sassy
So glad you made it out safely!!
Ooohh what a beautiful rose :)
I will try thumbnail later!
I love seeing these flowers, I am a gardener!!
I uploaded the image from my computer files and the picture shows up. Now when you click the thumbnail it will take you to a page and then click the blue high lited name and my blog comes up. Not the right way, but it worked!
Hi, Bella. So sorry to hear about your flooding. I finally got my act together enough to post a photo. thank you for helping to keep thoughts of gardening in my head! be well.
Take care, Bella - glad you are safe and dry. Hope your home and contents survived OK too?
hi bella, this is my first time linking up with 52 photos project. i'm happy to meet you and be here. and i'm also happy that you weathered the storm. thanks for hosting this project. and happy day to you!
Good morning Bella, this is my first time linking @ 52 photos. Beautiful site you have here! So sorry to hear of the flooding. Hope all is well.
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