September 4, 2011

Week 20!

Oh yes~we~are~ at week 20 !!
I associate a lot of movement with September.  It's back to school time, back into the groove time.  Summer vacations have come and gone and without prodding, we slip back into our year round routines.  
It's easy for me to be carried away by September's hustle.  Too easy.  And rather than rolling with it, I'm making room to pause - to reflect - to sit inside of quiet moments so that the well can be refilled.
I would love to see your quiet places.
A thanks & shout out to those of you who added to week 19 - in the Garden, part2!  It's looking all lush in that gallery. I will meet you back here on Wednesday when Gallery 20 opens up! Happy Weekend :)


erleichda said...

oh! thats something i can join! you see i have a quite place... thanks for the lovely ideas dear : )

IamthatIam publishing... said...

this could be challenging - I like it! Thanks Bella!

carol l mckenna said...

Bella great prompt ~ it is not likely I will get to link up until later today ~ enjoy ~ Carol ~ A Creative Harbor.