I have a feeling that this will be a fantastic display of Pictures & Words :)
I drove around town yesterday when the sun was golden & glowing, looking for a perfect bunch of flowers to photograph. I headed to the arboretum in town (my first time visiting) and got lost looking for the entrance. By the time I figured out how & where to get in, the sun slipped behind the trees and my plan for dreamy, sun draped flowers flew out the window. I did get to stop off at this big field where they grow veggies for our farmer's market - just as the sun was about to set.
If it's your first time visiting, please read the About & FAQ pages. Remember to add your pic to the flickr pool. This gallery will remain open for a week. I cannot wait to see what you fill it up with!
The best-laid plans, eh? Well, never mind—this photo suits your quote perfectly!
I've always loved this quote -- leaving the world a little better through our actions. Nice work!
Thanks again ~ Lovely quote and photo ~ enjoy the day ~ namaste, Carol ^_^ ( A Creative Harbor)
Very pretty and I love the quote!
mine is
I will keep trying to link up
I am really glad you got lost on the way to the arboretum. Your muse was in control on that day, not you. And look what you found...something more profound than a pretty flower. Be happy. Your photo speaks volumns.
What a great Lincoln quote, I'll have to share it with the kids as they love him (thanks to Night of the museum 2-- we're homeschoolers, so any way we can get history counts ;).
I almost wasn't able to join today as I had no clue how to get text on my photo without photoshop (which I don't have). Such a wonderful community of bloggers we have here, LB saved the day :)!!
Great photo for that wonderful quote.
Great pic & quote. Inspirations come from unexpected sources :)
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