October 23, 2011

Week 27

Hi again :)  I am loving this new prompt ~ it speaks perfectly of mama earth shedding her leaves, getting down to her barest self before the cold, blistery days of winter are upon us.  Of course there are always skyscrapers, and clouds, and rainbows, and birds, and oh so many possibilities with this prompt so grab your cameras and go out shooting upwards!

Gallery 26 {Autumn Color} is still open, and it is looking amazing. Thank you to everyone who took the time to submit a photo. I'm heading over to that post next to see all of your glittery autumn works.

Just a note: Friday's photo assignment was posted on Saturday due to video program difficulties (boo!). But it is up & running - you can access the post right here & the you tube page here -- Friend me on YouTube, I make lot's of playlists!!
I will meet you back here on Wednesday when Gallery 27 opens!

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