I've posted a challenge for the weekend in the discussion section of the flickr group. Write up or print out a few love notes and plant them in random places for people to find. (Between the shelves at a bookstore, taped to a pay phone or mailbox, tacked to a community board, under a can in the grocery isle, inside a box of shoes or in a jacket pocket at the store, etc.)
Deb has already posted hers in the thread. I'm also inspired by my friend who takes the fortunes from her fortune cookies and tapes them in random places all over her city. It's fun to leave them and wonder about the person who will find one. Hopefully it's someone who needs to hear those words.
If you don't know what to write, Amanda from Kind over Matter has created the most awesome printables that I used myself. You can find them here, here, & here.
So, the challenge: Write or print a few love notes. Take yourself out on a date - even if it's just to the grocery store. Tuck or tape your love note for someone to find. Then, snap a photo.
----> Add it to the flickr group, and to this topic thread.
I left one of Amanda's printables
at the office next door.
The girls wondered what I was doing.
I said, this is a gift to you from me.
I left one at the community board
at the grocery store.
A cute guy smiled at me when he
saw what I tacked up.
I created several mini love notes
using Microsoft word (using shapes & text)
that I cut out & am planning to tape
this weekend.
Check out this discussion thread next week to see where all of my love notes were hidden. And don't be shy, play along! I can't wait to see what you come up with for this challenge.
Ideas to get you started: Paper & Pen, Markers, Crayons + Scissors. Type out notes in a word document -->print, cut, tape. Tear out little notes from a magazine. Use one of Amanda's printables. Use fortunes from fortune cookies. Use the underside of the individual Dove Chocolates.
Did you know, 52 Photos Project is now on Face Book? Click on over and like that page to get your updates. It feeds directly to the twitter page.
Also, Gallery 42 {A Love Note} is still open!! Get on over there and share your note.
Happy Weekend!!
this is *fabulous*!!!
I had so much fun...I am so doing it again, and again...everywhere! I LOVE the idea of inside shoeboxes at the store!!
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