June 27, 2012

Gallery 10 {Release}

Deb asksWhat do you do to lighten up?
How do you let go of the stressors of your day?
Open the wine? Turn up the tunes?
 Get it down on the yoga mat? 
Start a new book? Bubble-bath? Run-bike-hike-walk?

Thank you to everyone who submitted a photo to Gallery 9 {Summertime Colors}. Consider adding your photo to the flickr group after linking up here.


GalleryJuana said...

magical photo: a great visual of releasing all the little details that cause stress and just breathing and exhaling as they all float away.

Arnoldo L. Romero, MLA said...

I'm so glad I found your blog. I love photography, but hadn't found a blog that I liked or felt comfortable posting. Blessings!