July 3, 2013

Gallery 11 {Red, White, Blue}

Hey Everyone! I'm a little late in posting today because I forgot to set my alarm and in turn got a few extra hours of much needed sleep :)

Red - White - Blue (One or all of the colors!) Please add your photo to the flickr group after linking up here.

Remember you can follow 52 Photos Project on Facebook & Twitter where I post most updates. Also, if you're on instagram, use the hashtag #52photosproject and friend me!!

Wishing you a happy and safe holiday weekend.

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Nancy said...

Looks very yummy Bella! xo

Bella Cirovic said...

Thanks Nancy!! Have a great holiday!

Alexa said...

Extra sleep is always a good thing (I'll be getting mine tomorrow). Your photo is de-lish!

Unknown said...

What a beautiful dessert.

Miriam said...

I forget to leave YOU a comment when the linky is up...I am sorry. I am loving this project and your photo for gallery 11 is fabulous (and fruity!)

Misty said...

Mmmm- a bowl of sugary berries topped with cream is the ideal 4th of July treat. Lovely image. Happy 4th Bella!

CherryPie said...

Making my mouth water ;-)

Prairie Jill said...

Extra sleep and yummy berries - what a great start to a holiday. Hope you had a great 4th of July!