December 10, 2014

Gallery 32 {Red}

I could not resist :)

Hello and welcome to Gallery 32 {Red}. My Trixie girl got dressed in her best Santa red for our family Christmas card. She didn't love this costume last year, but this year she didn't mind wearing it at all. We had a difficult time getting her out of it.

There is a neighborhood nearby that has a row of houses that are so colorful. I snapped this red one for a photo challenge on Instagram. I love the red accents.

Thank you to everyone who participated in Gallery 31 {This Makes Me Happy!} -- I will be making the rounds to visit your work :) Is this your first week with us? Welcome! Feel free to jump right in and share your photo!

Link one photo here and add multiple theme related photos to our flickr group. You can find past photo prompts here. I share updates throughout the week on Twitter & Facebook. Are you on Instagram? Share your photos throughout the week there using hashtag #52photosproject.

Wishing you a great week! If you are interested in easing into 2015 with me, have a look at my Winter course, A Flame in the Frost. There is still time to join us. We begin Dec. 28th.


Arnoldo L. Romero, MLA said...

Trixie looks ready for the holidays. I love that house too. Have a blessed week!

betty-NZ said...

Sorry that I forgot to comment when I linked up :( Your reds are lovely! I really like the red steps and the puppy looks ready for Santa's arrival!