I promised my daughter that she could choose a photo prompt. I'm surprised it wasn't bunnies or kittens :)
Chocolate: in any luscious shape or form. I'm assuming this one shouldn't be difficult!
Have you had a peek at Gallery 13 - The Table at Mealtime? There is still time for you to submit a photo because it's open until Wednesday morning, and will close right before Galley 14 {Chocolate} opens up.
First time visiting? You can grab a button, read about how the project works, or subscribe to the newsletter. I always post updates on the twitter page.
I've posted my blog & flickr links in the about section but if you missed it and you want to connect with me outside of 52 Photos Project, you can find me here: She Told Stories, Flickr, Twitter, Facebook.See you on Wednesday!
i like that girl.
this will be a delicious week!
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